writing a thematic statement has never been so easy Wed, 19 Apr 2023 11:18:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 How Video Games Can Help Improve Your Focus and Memory? Wed, 19 Apr 2023 11:10:20 +0000 If you were to claim that video games improve brain function in front of a group of parents, you would probably be laughed at and dismissed as an addict looking to justify their overindulgence in a meaningless pastime. 

However, recent studies indicate that some video game genres may benefit cognitive abilities like focus and memory. Therefore, it makes sense to get professional academic assistance at while unwinding with a game after a long day of studying. In this post, we’ll examine the positive effects of video games and offer advice on how to play games regularly to get the most out of their cognitive benefits.

Are video games good for your brain?

Why are video games good for you? While there are many arguments for and against video games, there is an increasing amount of data indicating the potential benefits of video games for brain health. Some of the benefits associated with playing video games include:

  • Increased attention: many video games demand that players keep a close eye on their surroundings, track their progress, and respond swiftly to evolving circumstances. By doing this, players can enhance their capacity for sustained attention and focus.
  • Improving decision-making: playing video games frequently requires players to make snap judgments based on insufficient data. As a result, the player steadily strengthens their capacity for making judgments under duress, fostering innovation.
  • Strengthening problem-solving:playing video games exposes players to a variety of complicated situations that call for innovative solutions, enhancing their capacity for original thought and problem-solving.

Although there are many advantages to playing video games, it’s crucial to remember that playing them too much can also be harmful. As with any leisure activity, it’s crucial to strike a balance between playing video games and other commitments.

Should kids play video games?

Yes, children can play video games as video games improve cognitive skills and promote social interaction. It’s, however, crucial to make sure that the games you expose your child to are age-appropriate and that they are used in moderation. 

Excessive video game play can harm both physical and mental health. Therefore, it’s crucial to strike a balance between your games and your studies. Some essential pointers for juggling game time and study time are outlined below:

  • Prioritizing tasks and defining goals: use a timetable to keep track of your commitments and rank them in order of importance. Most importantly, be sure to finish your homework and study before you commit your attention to gaming. 
  • Use gaming as a reward: give yourself some gaming time as a reward for doing your homework. For instance, after finishing a particular amount of time studying, allow yourself to play a game for an hour. 
  • Set a time limit on the game: set a restriction on how long you can play each day, perhaps one or two hours. Maintain this time restriction to guarantee that you have ample time for studying and other necessary activities. 
  • Avoid multitasking: playing games while doing schoolwork or studying can distract you and reduce your efficiency. Therefore, establish your study area far from your gaming area to avoid any conflicts of interest. 

What can video games do to your brain?

How do video games affect the brain? Growing evidence suggests that playing video games can have cognitive benefits, including improved attention, spatial reasoning, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. However, the cognitive benefits of video games can vary depending on the type of game being played. Here are some potential cognitive benefits of playing different types of video games:

  1. First-person shooters: playing first-person shooter games like Call of Duty or Halo can enhance players’ spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, and reaction times because they force players to make split-second decisions and react quickly to changing situations, which can enhance cognitive flexibility. 
  2. Strategy games: games like Age of Empires or StarCraft demand that players devise and carry out elaborate plans. These video games, therefore, help enhance cognitive abilities like problem-solving, judgment, and working memory. 
  3. Playing fighting games: games like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter demand that players learn and master intricate move sets. These activities can help you become more attentive, more spatially aware, and quicker with your reactions.
  4. Platform games: in games like Super Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog, players must maneuver across intricate levels while dodging opponents. These video games help enhance cognitive abilities like attention, working memory, and spatial thinking. 
  5. Survival games: in games like Minecraft or Ark: Survival Evolved, players must collect materials, construct shelters, and defend themselves against hostile creatures or adversaries. As they overcome these hurdles, players enhance cognitive abilities including planning, solving problems, and making decisions. 
  6. Battle royale games: games with a limited number of players, such as Fortnite or Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds, need players to outlast one another and remain alive. These games help enhance cognitive abilities including focus, quick thinking, and decision-making under duress.
  7. Attention games: these games can enhance players’ attention and working memory, as well as their ability to move between tasks and block unnecessary information, by asking them to concentrate on precise instructions while ignoring distracting information.

Final take

So, do video games rot your brain? Contrary to common misconceptions, video games are said to benefit students rather than hurt them, according to the growing corpus of research. However, it’s important to remember that excessive video game use can also have drawbacks, including reduced social interaction, disturbed sleep habits, and addiction. It’s, therefore, crucial to strike a balance between playing video games and other hobbies and duties, just like with any leisure activity.

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How to Manage Your Time Effectively When Studying Sat, 15 Apr 2023 15:29:25 +0000 With classes on the one hand and assignments on the other, students are frequently forced to juggle academic tasks and personal commitments. But learning to manage your academic balance might be difficult, like circus juggling.

This difficulty is frequently highlighted by the vast number of students who use writing services at to organize the numerous assignments that clog their schedules. This article will describe tips on how to improve time management to help you come up with a proper time management and study habit plan.

How to manage time for study daily

  1. Set clear goals and priorities

Regardless of your zeal, there are limits to the maximum hours one can study in a day. Making the most of your productive session requires identifying the things that must be finished and prioritizing them based on their urgency and importance. Setting time management objectives aids in keeping your attention on the tasks at hand and the amount of time required for each one. Additionally, defining goals enables more effective time management.

  1. Create a schedule

The most effective tool in your arsenal for productivity is probably a time management schedule. Make a study schedule that takes into account all of your commitments, including work, school, and other activities, and make sure to give each task enough time. 

By planning your chores and activities, you may prevent conflicts and make sure you have enough time to finish what you need to do. A schedule also gives you a sense of accountability because it makes it more likely that you will keep your obligations and prevent time wastage.

  1. Eliminate distractions

Get rid of anything that can divert your attention from your studies. During study time, you might do things like turn off your phone or stay off social media. Distractions can take up a lot of time, and students can waste time that could be used for studying or finishing tasks. Distractions can hinder productivity, which can result in a lack of completed assignments and subpar grades. Even worse, interruptions can make it challenging for students to focus on their work, which makes it more difficult to comprehend the subject matter and remember it.

  1. Use a timer

Set a timer for each task to keep you on track and avoid devoting too much time to one activity. Your study or work session will be more structured if you use a timer. You may break up your job into reasonable chunks by setting a time limit, which prevents you from being overworked or distracted. 

You can also better estimate how long it takes to accomplish a task when you use a timer. This can assist you in making better time management decisions in the future, enabling you to manage your resources and time more successfully.

Time management strategies

  1. Take breaks

The Pomodoro technique is a frequent recommendation for many time management research articles. Your ability to concentrate and focus can be enhanced by taking breaks. This is because taking breaks enables the brain to rest and recuperate, which can enhance productivity and lower error rates. 

  1. Stay organized

Another factor that helps lower stress is a well-organized study area. The feeling of control over your environment might help you feel less stressed and anxious when you have a clean, well-organized study area.

  1. Avoid procrastination

Avoiding procrastination can enable you to work faster and more effectively. This may result in more productivity and more free time for other pursuits. When you finish tasks on time, you can examine their work and make any necessary modifications. This may result in a better comprehension of the subject matter and enhanced memory recall.

Time management examples for students

  1. Learn to say no

You can prioritize your obligations and focus on what is most essential by establishing limits. By doing so, you may feel less overwhelmed and have better time management abilities. You may also maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent feeling overwhelmed or weary by not overcommitting yourself.

  1. Get enough sleep

Because it can aid to enhance focus, memory, and general cognitive function, getting adequate sleep is crucial for you to manage your time successfully. Being well-rested enhances your ability to concentrate on work and avoid distractions, which can increase productivity.

  1. Review your progress

Reviewing your weekly progress can help you discover how to save time for study. You may spot time wasters like unneeded social media use and procrastination by reviewing your schedule and changing your schedule to be more productive by eliminating these time wasters. 

Setting attainable goals can also be aided by reviewing weekly progress. You may determine whether your goals are doable and change them accordingly by reflecting on your past successes.

Final take

We hope that these suggestions will help you improve your time management skills and adopt healthy habits that will help you thrive in school. Please feel free to consult our specialists for advice on any concerns you may have regarding your academic life.

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Thesis Statement About Love Tips + Example Wed, 29 Dec 2021 14:33:31 +0000 How do you write a thesis statement about love? In this article, you will be getting tips for writing about thematic statement love so keep reading.

Tips for Writing a Thesis Statement About Love

  1. Conduct the first research

You can write a thesis statement about love from different angles: this could be romantic, platonic, love between family, love as a sacrifice, etc. Whichever angle you choose to write from, make sure to read previously written works on the subject first.

  1. Write a proposal

The information you get from your first research will help you to draft a proposal for your thesis statement. When you write a proposal, the dominant tense to use is the present future tense. This is because a proposal tells the reader what you intend to do rather than what you have done.

  1. Conduct a second research

After your proposal has been approved, the next thing to do is conduct another research. This second research will be more in-depth than the first because you will need to show the results of your work. However, you can still use the information you have in your proposal to write your thesis.

  1. Structure your work

To make your thesis come together, it will need a structure. This structure comprises chapters such as the introduction, the literature review, the methodology, the results and discussion, and the conclusion.

How to Write a Thematic Statement About Love

  1. Understand the literature

If you do not understand the literature first, there is no way you will be able to write a good thematic statement about it. So, make sure you focus on core things like the story’s plot, the characters, the writing style, among others.

  1. Be original

When writing a thematic statement love, try to use your own words as much as possible. Now, using your own words does not mean you should try to distort the message of the literary work for which you are writing your thematic statement. Try to use your words but make sure you maintain the message that the author was trying to pass across.

  1. Avoid cliches

When writing a thematic statement, do not write like this:

“The theme of this novel is pride and prejudice.”

Rather, write:

“Pride and prejudice play a crucial role in the human response to certain situations in this novel.”

  1. Edit

After writing your thematic statement, make sure you edit for any mistakes. Rephrase any confusing words and also check for spelling errors.

Examples of Good and Bad Thematic Statement About Love

Theme: Love and other emotions

Bad Thematic Statement: Love is the predominant theme in this novel.

Good Thematic Statement: Love is stronger than anger, hate, and other painful emotions.

Theme: Family Love

Bad Thematic Statement: Love is strong in the family.

Good Thematic Statement: Love is what keeps the family together even after many fights and arguments.


With these tips, you do not have to worry about writing a thematic statement about love. Just put these tips to work and you will be able to write a successful thematic statement.

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How to Write a Thesis Statement Compare and Contrast + Example Wed, 29 Dec 2021 14:33:13 +0000 Writing a thesis statement compare and contrast can be an easy thing to do if you know what to do when writing. In this article, you will be getting tips on how to write a compare and contrast thesis statement.

What is a Thesis Statement Compare and Contrast?

Compare and contrast means to put two topics side by side and examine their similarities and differences to get a result. A thesis statement compare and contrast example includes the spending habit of men vs women, patriarchy vs feminism, 21st-century living vs 20th-century living, etc.

Tips for Writing a Thesis Statement Compare and Contrast

  1. Draw out a rough outline

Many students usually use a Venn diagram to help them with brainstorming their thesis statement. A Venn diagram is a drawing of two or more circles overlapping each other. Since you are writing a compare and contrast statement between two topics, you should only have two circles. One circle should be for the first topic and contain its main features. Similarly, the second circle should be for the second topic and contain its main features. With a Venn diagram, you can easily spot out the similarities and differences between your topics.

Some students use a tabular form to outline their ideas while others simply scribble down their ideas on paper. Just find out which method works best for you and stick with it.

  1. Create a thesis statement

After getting the similarities and differences from your topics, the next thing to do is create a thesis statement. A thesis statement is the central idea of an academic work. Usually, it appears as the last sentence in the introduction of an academic paper. It explains the main idea or what the paper is claiming to focus on. It could come in the form of a question or just a statement. Usually, the writer may repeat this thesis statement over and again in the paper for emphasis. However, this should not be abused as the thesis statement should only be repeated only when necessary.

It is your thesis statement that will be the guide for your thesis, essay, or any other academic paper.

  1. Create a structure

The structure of your work depends on the type of academic paper that you are writing. If you are writing an essay, then the structure of your work will follow the basic introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, if you are writing a thesis, your structure will consist of chapters. These include chapter one which is the introduction; chapter two which is the literature review; chapter three which is the methodology; chapter four which is the analysis; chapter five which is the discussion chapter; and chapter six which is the conclusion.

  1. Write for your structure

After outlining the structure for your academic work, the next thing to do is write content for each of them. To write your introduction, make sure you start with a statement that will hook the reader’s attention. This could be a controversial statement or a shocking question. Make sure that a reader can tell the direction of the content of your paper just by reading your introduction.

After writing your introduction, write the body paragraphs. You can start by comparing the differences or similarities between your topics. For example, if your topic was patriarchy vs feminism, you could write about how each one wants to dominate the other. Make sure your body paragraphs have enough points so that you are not just using words. The most important thing is to constantly make comparing and contrasting statements in your body paragraphs.

After writing your body paragraphs, write your conclusion. Now, do not write new information in your conclusion. Instead, make your conclusion a summary of all your main points.

  1. Edit and proofread

After writing, the next thing to do is edit and proofread. If you are feeling tired after writing, then you can take a break before editing and proofreading. You can also use an online spellchecker to correct for errors and bad grammar. After editing and proofreading, check for plagiarism.

Now before you submit, you can give your work to a senior or an expert to help you proofread.


With this thesis statement compare and contrast example, it should now become easier for you to write yours.

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How to Write a Clear & Meaningful Theme Statement Thu, 02 Dec 2021 08:39:39 +0000 Writing a thematic statement can be difficult if you do not know how to write one. In this article, you will learn how to write thematic statements and what should be in your thesis statement checklist.

How to Write a Thematic Statement

  1. Read the literature

If you want to write a thematic statement, the first thing you should do is read the work and make sure you understand its content. If you do not understand what you are writing about, you may interpret the author’s message poorly or even miss the entire message. Now, when reading the literature, make sure you pay attention to key areas like the writing style, the tone/mood of the work, the characters, among others. It is from these key areas you will be able to draw out your thematic statement. So, make sure you pay close attention to them.

  1. Identify the conflicts

Conflict in literature happens when two major forces do not agree with each other. For example, love and hate, pride and humility, wickedness and kindness, perversion and justice, etc. In some literary work, you will find two major forces constantly fighting to be the most dominant. If you are struggling with writing a thematic statement, simply look for the conflicts and it will become easier for you to know what to write.

For example, in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, love, and hate were a conflict that played out. The love between Romeo and Juliet and the hate between the Montagues.

  1. Find out the author’s perspective

Another easy way to write a thematic statement is by finding out the author’s perspective. The author’s perspective is the background on which the literary work was formed. In some literature, you will find the background of the story in the first pages. However, if you do not find it in the literature for which you want to write your thematic statement, then research. This research should cover interviews with the author about that particular work. You can also visit the author’s website to read their perspective about the work.

  1. Use your own words

When writing a thematic statement, try to explain it in your own words. Do not copy the author’s sentences word for word and then present it as your own. That shows a lack of originality and also laziness. Now, do not fear that someone else can identify the same theme as you did. One of the beautiful things about literature is that two people can have the same idea but interpret it differently on paper.

Now, even if you are writing in your own words, try to keep the message as original as possible. Do not make assumptions or conclusions. If you do, you may confuse the reader.

  1. Keep your thematic statement simple

How long should a thematic statement be? Ideally, a thematic statement should be between one and two sentences. Your thematic statement should also not be unnecessarily long. If it will be, make sure every word counts and that you are not just all over the place with your writing and confusing your readers.

  1. Avoid making conclusions

When writing a thematic statement, avoid using words that read as a conclusion to that statement. Words like “always” “is” “must” will make the reader think that the thematic statement is not open to further interpretation. When writing your thematic statement, you should always leave room for the reader to make their own interpretation. So, rather than use words that evoke conclusions, use words like “may” “maybe” “could” etc. These words leave room for further interpretation.

  1. Edit your statement

After you have written your thematic statement, the next thing to do is edit. This edit happens when you check for spelling errors and confusing statements. If a sentence looks confusing to you, then replace it with words that can easily be understood.

How to Write a Thematic Statement Example

Here is a thematic statement list example:

“Friendships are necessary in good and bad times”

“Love is more than a feeling, it is an action”

“The sacrifices of a mother cannot be overestimated”


With these tips, you should now know how to write thematic statements and what should be in your thesis statement checklist.

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10 Tips to Write a Thematic Statement with Example Thu, 02 Dec 2021 08:37:22 +0000 Writing a thematic statement can be difficult for so many students. If you are one of such students, then keep reading this article. In this article, you will be getting a thematic statement template and thematic statement examples. Also, you will know the right way to write a thematic statement outline.

  1. Read the literature

You need to first read whatever literary piece you want to draw your thematic statement from before you can proceed. If you do not understand the literature, you may not be able to draw out the right thematic statement(s). When you read, make sure you get familiar with the plot, the characters, the author’s writing style, among others. This familiarity will help you to be able to successfully interpret the writer’s theme.

  1. What are the conflicts?

Conflict in literature refers to when two strong forces oppose each other. Here is a thematic statement example: when love and hate constantly play out in a relationship, that is a conflict.

  1. Put yourself in the author’s position

To be able to draw out the right thematic statements from a literary work, you need to understand the author’s perspective. You can do this by researching their interviews on the literary work. It is from those interviews you will understand the circumstances that led to them writing their work. This way, you can understand the message that they were trying to pass in their work.

  1. Keep things simple

When writing a thematic statement, you should limit your writing to a sentence or at most, two. However, some themes require that you further explain events from the work. In this type of situation, you can write up to three sentences.

  1. Make sure your thematic statements are original

Did you know that two people could write about the same thematic statements in different ways? When writing yours, make sure to use your own words so as to be as original as possible.

  1. Do not use “final” words

Avoid words like “always” “must” “certain” “is”, etc. These words do not allow your thematic statement to be open to the reader’s interpretation. You can replace these words with “may” “maybe” “could” etc.

  1. Do not put your personal opinion

When writing a thematic statement, try to be as objective as possible. Do not make your thematic statement feel like a piece of advice or moral lesson to your readers.

  1. Do not use assumptions

When you make assumptions as though they were facts, it affects the credibility of your thematic statement. Furthermore, your readers may not be able to form their own opinions because you have already made assumptions on their behalf.

  1. Edit your work

Before submitting, make sure you check for mistakes. Rephrase difficult words and get rid of confusing sentences.

  1. Proofread

After editing, you can now give an expert to proofread your work before you finalize it.

Thematic Statement Examples

Theme: Love and War

“The love and war theme shows that in spite of difficult circumstances, relationships can still flourish”

Theme: Family

“Family is not just blood but sacrifice”


With these thematic thesis statement examples, you should be able to write yours successfully.

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